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Saturday 23 March 2013

Learn Discussion Essay

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

            Assalamualaikum, today our class at CLL Sri Laksamana, as usual our class at the lab. As usual, when we came here, we have to update our blog for those who not update their blog yet. So, I take this opportunity to update my blog. But, while I was so concentrated update my blog, my classmates’ adiba have turn off my computer with unconscious situation which is she also did not know she had do it. Then, she just laughs at me and I also laughing look at that situation. So, I have to open my computer again. Huhu. At the same time, Miss Zu asked us whether we have done our online quiz or not. So, everyone said not done yet because have certain quizzes which is not done yet. So, she asked all of us to do it. After 15 minutes later, she tells us that there have 2 beautiful lecturers who are going to teach us today. The entire class was weird with what she have said earlier and all the men in the class was looking at the door and want to see who is the lecturer. Then, she was laugh with what we do and suddenly, she tell us that the beautiful lecturer who going to teach us today is also from my class which is the twins, Inayah and Bariyah.

This is the twin that I refer to and from left is Anya and beside her is her sister Bariyah.

They are going to teach us about the discussion essay. They explain about the discussion essay which is a little bit different from the argumentative essay which is in this essay, there have a fair condition like not just support for one sided only. I think they do a great job because can explain this entire thing to us. A few minutes later, Miss Zu give all of us the orange paper which is contain last semester examination. She asked us to do it and want to see it. She also asked us to do the argumentative essay that have in that paper. So, the class end as usual at 6.00 p.m . I think that all for today, thank you for willingly to read, see you again. Assalamualaikum.

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