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Saturday 23 March 2013

Present Outlining

Monday, 04 February 2013

            Assalamualaikum, as usual our class was at Dewan Sri Peria (DSP) . Today Miss Zu want to see our outlining. Before we go to the class, Miss Zu already asked Faiz to tell everyone to bring their laptop to the class because today we want to make an outlining. I have a problem right now because I did not have any laptop. So, I have to borrow my friend laptop to bring to the class. I have to take a little bit times to borrow that laptop so I came a little bit late to the class. The first group that she want to check their outlining is Faiz Adha group and her comment to that group to make a little bit correction to make it more perfect. Then, Miss Zu was come to our group to see our outlining. For your information, we feel that our outlining will be rejected by Miss Zu because we did not do it perfectly because we have some problem yesterday because our materials have been missing. So, we accepted our faith because we not so sure our outlining is correct or not. Then, she tell us that our outlining is the worst from others. We feel so shame with that situation. But, we accept it. What is really impressed me is the girls in my class is great and awesome because all of their outlining was accepted and just have a little bit mistake in sentences structure only. Others groups that also impressed me is Ejat groups which is their outlining also accepted. I think they have do a great job for someone we called Man. Hahaha. Congratulation guys, you all so awesome and I like to learn from all of you. Feel so grateful because I have been in this class. So, the class ended early and I think that all for today, Thank you and good bye, see you guys in next update. Assalmualaikum.

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